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Monday, March 31, 2008

Phuat Itu Heck?

Ok, i received this sms during midnight, it says:

From: +6281510408858


Sim Card Anda
Telah Berjaya
Memenangi BONUS Cek
Bertuah RM25.000,00 Dari

PETRONAS Sila Call di Talian
Terima Kasih.

This is copied out of the sms, every single word of it, I swear of it.

I am pretty sure that this is not my 1st time receiving this sms, and my question is this, HOw the fark did they end up with such LOUSY language skills and still manage to run a scamming business?? I mean come on la, based on that sms I'm quite sure that they/sender did not graduate from p
rimary school. The 1st word is already wrong...=='' , What is with the Capitalized words?? How on EARTH do u participate with your sim card??? Do u take it out and stick it in the contest form? Note the phrase ''BONUS cek Bertuah'', to me it kinda makes no sense at ALL, in the aspects of both the characters and the meaning, to me it seems like they were making a ''ringkasan'' by taking those 3 words from a proper incomplete sentence or phrase like :'' Hadiah lumayan termasuk BONUS sekeping cek dalam Cabutan Bertuah''. These could be used in BM examinations, lol. Oh ya, they/sender also failed Math... ''RM 25.000,00'' If you can't see the mistake then..aiyoyo, God must have blessed you hard during you exams... and also the typical dari/daripada error AND the ''Sila Call di Talian'' despite the random/failed usage of English, how DO u call ''at'' line...Lol, at least give them/ the sender some credit for being polite by saying thank you, but on what condition do you say congratulations and thank you to another person on a single matter?? DO tell me if you figure that out, thank you. All in all, I think they do NOT deserve to have such equipment and that kind of money, having people believe that a message with this kind of language level is from a big, ''heumaanggo'' company like Petronas is like passing a chihuahua for a Great Dane.

Look! Its de Giant Great Dane!!

IF, a big IF they/sender ever come across this blog... Darling, even if you kiss my ass and lick my *****, I still would'nt call.

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